“So much better! And no one yelling “NEXT!” We just had ours done last night and Bonnie McCaffery as always was spectacular! She came to the location of our choice, set up quickly and coached the kids from the acceptable distance. No stress of hoping the school got the shot or wondering for months if the kids blinked or had food on their cheeks maybe didn’t fix their hair before pictures!! We even brought masks for a fun “memorable 2020-21 school year shot” we could not be more pleased!!
We should support more small business owners like this 
What an incredible way despite not physically being in school to still be able to capture the memory!! Thank you Bonnie for always being incredible xo”
If you’ve chosen to keep your kids home to school them (or you don’t like the school photos) I’m offering an opportunity to still get School Photos done at your location – outdoors. Preschool thru High School students. NOTE: Senior Photos are a different type of session. We’ll spend 15-30 minutes taking photos. This will be done with the 6 foot social distancing. $10 booking fee. Prices start at $20 for individual items and packages start at $32. These are not your standard school photos. They will be taken in a natural setting…not with everyone having the same backdrop. Please note that this is a Super Special deal and prices are significantly reduced compared to my normal Photo Sessions.
The Benefits?
– I come to you. Photos done at the comfort of your location
– Relaxed student because they are home
– Time spent with your student to get the best expression
– Multiple photos to choose from
– Interesting backgrounds (compared to the standard “School Photo Backdrop”)
WHERE? – your location. A shaded area would be best. Possibly some place to lean (like a railing or tree). Maybe something to sit on like a rock, step or bench. Scout out a couple spots and text me a photo or two so I can start planning.

PHOTO Selection – This is the fun part. A private photo album of watermarked images will be set up for you to select your photo (YES, you’ll get to choose) and package options. Prices start at $15 for individual items and packages start at $32. Please note that this is Super Special Deal and does not reflect my normal Portrait pricing. Signup below. $10 Booking fee required.
Please note – Booking fees are non-refundable.