
How To DigiBobbE

How to DigiBobbE™;

1 – Wind the Candlelight yarn onto the bobbin. The yarn should follow the same path as it would if it were regular thread. Lightly hold between the thumb and forefinger.


2 – Load the bobbin into the bobbin case. Adjust the bobbin tension so that the Candlelight Yarn pulls with a normal tension. It is helpful to have a second bobbin case that you can adjust.


3 – Load YLI Wonder Invisible Thread on the top of the sewing machine. Increase the top tension slightly.

4 – Load the fabric with the right side down and the stabilizer on top, into the embroidery hoop. This is upside-down from what you might think. Remember that the design will be stitched from the bobbin.


5 – Hold the top thread and draw the bobbin thread to the top side (stabilizer side).


6 – Stitch out the design. Leave a 5″ tail of Candlelight Yarn.

7 – Use a large eyed needle to thread the Candlelight Yarn tail to the back of the fabric. Tie of the end.


8 – Remove it from the hoop and tear away the stabilizer.


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